
Your one-stop destination for sharing Minecraft builds, exploring creative designs, and enhancing gameplay with cutting-edge redstone mods.

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Reden 的名字来自于 Redstone Eden,意为红石伊甸园。我们希望 Reden 能成为一个 Minecraft 红石爱好者的乐园,为玩家提供丰富的红石机器、配置、教程等资源。 我们致力于打造一个开放、友好的社区,欢迎各位加入我们!

Reden 本是我的模组的名字,同时也是这个社区的名字。 不管是我的模组还是这个社区,都是为了让玩家更好地享受游戏,更好地创造。 Reden 承载着通过代码与技术方便玩家的初衷,也指引着我们的社区朝着更开放、 包容、高技术力量的方向发展。

从专门生成世吞等机器的专用网站,到现在的红石爱好者社区,Reden 一直在不断发展。到2025年2月,Reden已经拥有数百个红石机器,和数万次下载,成为了 Minecraft 红石社区中的一股新力量。 Reden 拥有多项独创性技术正在开发或已经上线,包括:更好的投影预览功能, 红石机器产物速率标注功能,红石机器的自动化生成,投影在线编辑技术,基于游戏内模组的机器一键下载一键使用等等。



Made a mistake? Reden can quickly undo your actions by just pressing Ctrl+Z. All chain reactions will be undone.


RVC (Reden Version Control) is a version control system designed for redstone. It allows you to manage your redstone projects in all versions with ease.

Reden Debugger

Can't figure out why your redstone contraption isn't working? Reden Debugger can help you see how the game exactly processes your redstone contraption.

Open Source

Reden is an open-source project and free for everyone. We welcome everyone to contribute to Reden including code, documentation, wiki, and more.


Reden is sponsored by the community. We appreciate every sponsor who supports us.


Reden Wiki contains almost everything you need to know about redstone ans Reden. It is also a great place to share your knowledge with the community.


Join our Discord server to chat with other redstone developers and get help from the community.