Ctrl+Z Once, Undo Everything
Undo for Everything
Reden provides a powerful undo feature that can undo almost everything in Minecraft.
Reden can undo:




Multiplayer Support
Undo can only be used in creative mode. It requires to be installed on server-side to work, and on clients to use the hotkey.
In a server, each player can undo their own actions. Server admins can set the maximum undo RAM usage, so that the server won't run out of memory.
Chain Reactions
Undo can undo chain reactions, such as TNT explosions, and undo the whole explosion.
Vanilla, but more
Reden keeps your game vanilla, it will not change any game mechanics.
Reden can run on clients or servers, you can install it without any overhead.
Reden supports undo for many other mods, such as Litematica.